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The Origins of PT

The Original Timeless >>>

The philosophy behind these ideals is to become a “PT,” that is, a Perpetual Tourist, Parked Temporarily, a Prior Taxpayer who is now a Possibility Thinker and Prepared Thoroughly for the future.
Dr. W.G. Hill is the father of the PT concept.
Reviews and Ratings of W.G. Hill's previous works

What PTs have to say...

Not only are there countless success stories from people all over who become PTs, but many consider the PT philosophy a cult! Very few have turned back to their previous life after acting upon Hill's strategies laid out in his best-selling book, PT.
This is THE book that started 'it' for me. My wealth habits, goal setting, international travel, etc. I've read and re-read it about half a dozen times over the past 18 years and cannot recommend the book enough.

John Galt

"Perpetual Traveler"

Randall Layman

“Possibility Thinker”
The moment I received this book, I could not put it down. It changed my whole philosophy of life and worldview. While some aspects of the book may be outdated, the underlying philosophy of self-responsibility and individualism regardless of your place on the planet is unchanged.

From the editor:
In 2020 a few parts was updated by "Grandpa" the Author of Bye Bye Big Brother to reflect new historical developments.
A person must understand what this book is. In 1985 when this book was first offered, it was ground-breaking. Very, very few people had ever heard of a multiple flag theory. This book brought this concept to tens of thousands during publication and maybe millions after publication. The book was brought to my attention in 1992

The PT theory is worldwide and more popular then ever.
Purchase this book while you can. Treat it with great care. Its historical significance increases with each year and with each government decision.

Michael T

“Privacy Thinker"


Are You Prepared Thoroughly for the future?

Why You Should Read "PT Perpetual Traveller" by W.G Hill

#Freedom #SixFlags #Privacy #Wealth Embracing the Lifestyle of Freedom and Flexibility In a world where freedom and flexibility are highly prized, "PT Perpetual Traveller" by W.G Hill stands as a beacon for those seeking to break free from conventional constraints and embrace a life of perpetual travel. This book encapsulates a revolutionary approach to living that defies the traditional norms of residency and citizenship, offering readers a blueprint for a life unbound by borders. Here are compelling reasons why you should delve into this transformative work. A Revolutionary Concept At the heart of "PT Perpetual Traveller" is the concept of the Perpetual Traveller or PT, a lifestyle that champions the idea of being a citizen of the world rather than being tied to one nation. This philosophy encourages individuals to leverage global opportunities, legal jurisdictions, and tax benefits by constantly moving and avoiding permanent residency. W.G Hill introduces readers...

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An Ingenious Plan for Generating Invisible Income That Will Support You! Most great fortunes have been made by those who start with nothing in an economic downturn. They do not look for jobs- they find opportunities. If your future happiness, freedom & financial security means anything to you –do not overlook Hill's book.


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